Ali lånar min blogg
Hello everyone.. I hope all is going well for you reading this "Hijacked Blog" :P.. Charlie asked me to write something in his blog and yess here Iam..
My name is Ali Sikandar and I come from Pakistan, Ive been in Qatar for the last 25 years (I was only 1 when I got here). Qatar's a wonderful place to live in *sometimes* you have to know the rite ppl to survive, otherwise you'll either die early or end up in a rehab. I was working where's Charlie's currently working (Qatar Bowing Federation) for the last 5 years, but then recently I changed my job and joined one of Qatar's biggest Organizations (Qatar Foundation) as their one and only Web Developer.
Im a very ambitious person I have lots of goals to achieve and lots of travelling to do, I love travelling/ socialising/ and ofcourse Im a party maniac! this is why I would love to come to Sweden one day and have the time of my life! Infact Charlie's already teaching me swedish, and I think I know enough Swedish to save my own life :P.
Charie's a woderful guy and he loves to blend in different cultures despite of their backgrounds etc, and so is Johnny (his dad) infact Johnny's one of the most influencial ppl that Ive ever met.
I had a website of mine a couple of years back it was but then I got busy with work and all thats when it got expired and I never thought of making it anymore, I had it for almost 4 years and it had a coming soon thingie on it and that what I always used to change, because to me I was making a website which no one has ever made or seen, here's a little secret, it was a handwritten website, all the content in it was handwritten including the links :P Now that you know the secret, you can goahead and start making one of ur own :D
I think that this is about it as for now, I'll definatley catch you guys latter and If I do have my personal blog in the near future, I will ask Charlie to mention it in his as well, and dontcha worry Charlie I will let u write in my blog as well and that too in Arabic :P hahahahahha.. U have fun guys and if ur wondering why on this world do I have a parrot on my shoulder, well the reason is very simple, he has wings and I dont :P
Postat av: Theres
Fan va gött med lite gästbloggare.! Slipper man läsa din skit ;D hihi
Postat av: Fanzy
Kulans att du får lite skrivet, och kulans att det finns andra som gärna skriver och berättar om sig själv ;P. Nu är det lite saknad efter dig här hemma. Så skynd dig hem :). Puss /systeryster!